Saturday 15 March 2014

bear # 5

My niece will be eleven years old in April. I hope that's not too old to be given a hand-knitted teddy? I enjoyed testing a new bear pattern for this ted - complete with contrast paw pads and a stripey sweater.

Pattern : "Annie and George" from the excellent book "The Knitted Teddy Bear"
Knitted for the first time

Knitting needles: Size n° 3 mm
Yarn: Unknown, recycled yarn, around 100g for the bear, 30g for the sweater
Stuffing: Laine cardée récupérée

Technique : ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Result : ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Overall cost: around 1€50 for the recycled materials

This is the first time knitting a bear from a different pattern, the main difference being each side of the head and body are knitted up in one piece, with a central seam down the body. I'd like to try this pattern again, this time finishing it in stocking stitch (rather than reverse stocking stitch). I'd also like to try using beads for the eyes as once again, I found the embroidery a little difficult. This bear's face ended up being a little on the wonky side for my liking, but he still passed quality control of both Nico and my brother!

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