Tuesday, 6 August 2013

big sky

It was a day of clarity and blue skies. 

A day spent living out in the open, beneath the big Pyrenean sky. 

A day that began early at dawn when we were woken by cows grazing about our tent and ended at dusk as I cartwheeled in the setting sun.

From its rising to its setting, I have been soaking up every beam of this inescapable, soul-stirring Summer sun.

At a moment when we desperately need healing, it is like a river of love flowing down upon this hurting land.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

cowbells and parachutes

Pulled from a heavy sleep by the tinkling of cow bells. There was just time to pack up the tent and brew a quick coffee before the parapentistes arrived.

Friday, 2 August 2013

light pollution

I was in desperate need of a break from my translation project. [Nearly 12,000 words behind me, only another three thousand or so to go]. 

N came home to rescue me from my dictionaries and laptop, and brought me over the Tourmalet for a night of wild camping.  

We set up our camp on the crest of a hill, overlooking the barn in Serris. 

After dinner, we made hot chocolate and sat on the crest of the hill watching the sunlight drain from the sky, to be replaced by the lights of Bagnères and Tarbes.